Starter Code

Project 1

Step 1: Load the data and perform basic operations.

1. Load the data in using pandas.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
sat = pd.read_csv('../data/sat.csv', index_col=0)
State Participation Evidence-Based Reading and Writing Math Total
0 Alabama 5% 593 572 1165
1 Alaska 38% 547 533 1080
2 Arizona 30% 563 553 1116
3 Arkansas 3% 614 594 1208
4 California 53% 531 524 1055
act = pd.read_csv('../data/act.csv', index_col=0)
State Participation English Math Reading Science Composite
0 National 60% 20.3 20.7 21.4 21.0 21.0
1 Alabama 100% 18.9 18.4 19.7 19.4 19.2
2 Alaska 65% 18.7 19.8 20.4 19.9 19.8
3 Arizona 62% 18.6 19.8 20.1 19.8 19.7
4 Arkansas 100% 18.9 19.0 19.7 19.5 19.4
2. Print the first ten rows of each dataframe.
State Participation Evidence-Based Reading and Writing Math Total
0 Alabama 5% 593 572 1165
1 Alaska 38% 547 533 1080
2 Arizona 30% 563 553 1116
3 Arkansas 3% 614 594 1208
4 California 53% 531 524 1055
5 Colorado 11% 606 595 1201
6 Connecticut 100% 530 512 1041
7 Delaware 100% 503 492 996
8 District of Columbia 100% 482 468 950
9 Florida 83% 520 497 1017
State Participation English Math Reading Science Composite
0 National 60% 20.3 20.7 21.4 21.0 21.0
1 Alabama 100% 18.9 18.4 19.7 19.4 19.2
2 Alaska 65% 18.7 19.8 20.4 19.9 19.8
3 Arizona 62% 18.6 19.8 20.1 19.8 19.7
4 Arkansas 100% 18.9 19.0 19.7 19.5 19.4
5 California 31% 22.5 22.7 23.1 22.2 22.8
6 Colorado 100% 20.1 20.3 21.2 20.9 20.8
7 Connecticut 31% 25.5 24.6 25.6 24.6 25.2
8 Delaware 18% 24.1 23.4 24.8 23.6 24.1
9 District of Columbia 32% 24.4 23.5 24.9 23.5 24.2
3. Describe in words what each variable (column) is.


  1. No column header. Looks to be the index.
  2. State: What state the row of data is for.
  3. Participation: Percent of HS seniors in that state took the test.
  4. Evidenced-Based Reading and Writing: Avg. (mean) score for that section of the test.
  5. Math: Avg. (mean) score for that section of the test.
  6. Total: Sum of two section scores


  1. No column header. Looks to be the index.
  2. State: What state the row of data is for.
  3. Participation: Percent of HS seniors in that state took the test.
  4. English: Avg. (mean) score for that section of the test.
  5. Math: Avg. (mean) score for that section of the test.
  6. Reading: Avg. (mean) score for that section of the test.
  7. Science: Avg. (mean) score for that section of the test.
  8. Composite: Avg. (mean) score for all sections.
4. Does the data look complete? Are there any obvious issues with the observations?
5. Print the types of each column.
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 51 entries, 0 to 50
Data columns (total 5 columns):
State                                 51 non-null object
Participation                         51 non-null object
Evidence-Based Reading and Writing    51 non-null int64
Math                                  51 non-null int64
Total                                 51 non-null int64
dtypes: int64(3), object(2)
memory usage: 2.4+ KB
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 52 entries, 0 to 51
Data columns (total 7 columns):
State            52 non-null object
Participation    52 non-null object
English          52 non-null float64
Math             52 non-null float64
Reading          52 non-null float64
Science          52 non-null float64
Composite        52 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(5), object(2)
memory usage: 3.2+ KB
6. Do any types need to be reassigned? If so, go ahead and do it.
  • Participation data type for both sets is ‘object’ - will go ahead and change them to float.
# checking how to change object % to proper float value
a = sat['Participation'][0]
sat['Participation'] = [float(i.strip('%'))/100 for i in sat['Participation']]
State Participation Evidence-Based Reading and Writing Math Total
0 Alabama 0.05 593 572 1165
1 Alaska 0.38 547 533 1080
2 Arizona 0.30 563 553 1116
3 Arkansas 0.03 614 594 1208
4 California 0.53 531 524 1055
act['Participation'] = [float(i.strip('%'))/100 for i in act['Participation']]
State Participation English Math Reading Science Composite
0 National 0.60 20.3 20.7 21.4 21.0 21.0
1 Alabama 1.00 18.9 18.4 19.7 19.4 19.2
2 Alaska 0.65 18.7 19.8 20.4 19.9 19.8
3 Arizona 0.62 18.6 19.8 20.1 19.8 19.7
4 Arkansas 1.00 18.9 19.0 19.7 19.5 19.4
7. Create a dictionary for each column mapping the State to its respective value for that column. (For example, you should have three SAT dictionaries.)
# # [i for i in sat.columns[2:]]

# # messing around and trying to automate everything. unfortunately can't do that with new dict names
# for i in sat.columns[2:]:
#     for j in range(len(sat)):
#         pass
# #longer way
# sat_math = {}
# for i in range(len(sat)):
#     d.update({sat['State'][i]:act['Composite'][i]})
# Creating ACT dictionaries, the better comprehension way

act_dict_english = {act['State'][i]:act['English'][i] for i in range(len(act))}
act_dict_math = {act['State'][i]:act['Math'][i] for i in range(len(act))}
act_dict_reading = {act['State'][i]:act['Reading'][i] for i in range(len(act))}
act_dict_science = {act['State'][i]:act['Science'][i] for i in range(len(act))}
act_dict_composite = {act['State'][i]:act['Composite'][i] for i in range(len(act))}
# Creating SAT dictionaries, the better comprehension way

sat_dict_ev_read_write = {sat['State'][i]:sat['Evidence-Based Reading and Writing'][i] for i in range(len(sat))}
sat_dict_math = {sat['State'][i]:sat['Math'][i] for i in range(len(sat))}
sat_dict_total = {sat['State'][i]:sat['Total'][i] for i in range(len(sat))}
8. Create one dictionary where each key is the column name, and each value is an iterable (a list or a Pandas Series) of all the values in that column.
col_dict = {i:sat[i].values for i in sat.columns}
{'State': array(['Alabama', 'Alaska', 'Arizona', 'Arkansas', 'California',
        'Colorado', 'Connecticut', 'Delaware', 'District of Columbia',
        'Florida', 'Georgia', 'Hawaii', 'Idaho', 'Illinois', 'Indiana',
        'Iowa', 'Kansas', 'Kentucky', 'Louisiana', 'Maine', 'Maryland',
        'Massachusetts', 'Michigan', 'Minnesota', 'Mississippi',
        'Missouri', 'Montana', 'Nebraska', 'Nevada', 'New Hampshire',
        'New Jersey', 'New Mexico', 'New York', 'North Carolina',
        'North Dakota', 'Ohio', 'Oklahoma', 'Oregon', 'Pennsylvania',
        'Rhode Island', 'South Carolina', 'South Dakota', 'Tennessee',
        'Texas', 'Utah', 'Vermont', 'Virginia', 'Washington',
        'West Virginia', 'Wisconsin', 'Wyoming'], dtype=object),
 'Participation': array([0.05, 0.38, 0.3 , 0.03, 0.53, 0.11, 1.  , 1.  , 1.  , 0.83, 0.61,
        0.55, 0.93, 0.09, 0.63, 0.02, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.95, 0.69, 0.76,
        1.  , 0.03, 0.02, 0.03, 0.1 , 0.03, 0.26, 0.96, 0.7 , 0.11, 0.67,
        0.49, 0.02, 0.12, 0.07, 0.43, 0.65, 0.71, 0.5 , 0.03, 0.05, 0.62,
        0.03, 0.6 , 0.65, 0.64, 0.14, 0.03, 0.03]),
 'Evidence-Based Reading and Writing': array([593, 547, 563, 614, 531, 606, 530, 503, 482, 520, 535, 544, 513,
        559, 542, 641, 632, 631, 611, 513, 536, 555, 509, 644, 634, 640,
        605, 629, 563, 532, 530, 577, 528, 546, 635, 578, 530, 560, 540,
        539, 543, 612, 623, 513, 624, 562, 561, 541, 558, 642, 626],
 'Math': array([572, 533, 553, 594, 524, 595, 512, 492, 468, 497, 515, 541, 493,
        556, 532, 635, 628, 616, 586, 499,  52, 551, 495, 651, 607, 631,
        591, 625, 553, 520, 526, 561, 523, 535, 621, 570, 517, 548, 531,
        524, 521, 603, 604, 507, 614, 551, 541, 534, 528, 649, 604],
 'Total': array([1165, 1080, 1116, 1208, 1055, 1201, 1041,  996,  950, 1017, 1050,
        1085, 1005, 1115, 1074, 1275, 1260, 1247, 1198, 1012, 1060, 1107,
        1005, 1295, 1242, 1271, 1196, 1253, 1116, 1052, 1056, 1138, 1052,
        1081, 1256, 1149, 1047, 1108, 1071, 1062, 1064, 1216, 1228, 1020,
        1238, 1114, 1102, 1075, 1086, 1291, 1230], dtype=int64)}
9. Merge the dataframes on the state column.
# both = pd.merge(sat, act, how='left',suffixes=('_sat','_act')) -- this did NOT work
# both = pd.concat([sat, act], axis=1, join_axes=[act.index], suffixes=('_sat','_act'))
both = pd.merge(act, sat, how='left', on='State', suffixes=('_act','_sat')) 
array(['National', 'Alabama', 'Alaska', 'Arizona', 'Arkansas',
       'California', 'Colorado', 'Connecticut', 'Delaware',
       'District of Columbia', 'Florida', 'Georgia', 'Hawaii', 'Idaho',
       'Illinois', 'Indiana', 'Iowa', 'Kansas', 'Kentucky', 'Louisiana',
       'Maine', 'Maryland', 'Massachusetts', 'Michigan', 'Minnesota',
       'Mississippi', 'Missouri', 'Montana', 'Nebraska', 'Nevada',
       'New Hampshire', 'New Jersey', 'New Mexico', 'New York',
       'North Carolina', 'North Dakota', 'Ohio', 'Oklahoma', 'Oregon',
       'Pennsylvania', 'Rhode Island', 'South Carolina', 'South Dakota',
       'Tennessee', 'Texas', 'Utah', 'Vermont', 'Virginia', 'Washington',
       'West Virginia', 'Wisconsin', 'Wyoming'], dtype=object)
State Participation_act English Math_act Reading Science Composite Participation_sat Evidence-Based Reading and Writing Math_sat Total
0 National 0.60 20.3 20.7 21.4 21.0 21.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN
1 Alabama 1.00 18.9 18.4 19.7 19.4 19.2 0.05 593.0 572.0 1165.0
2 Alaska 0.65 18.7 19.8 20.4 19.9 19.8 0.38 547.0 533.0 1080.0
3 Arizona 0.62 18.6 19.8 20.1 19.8 19.7 0.30 563.0 553.0 1116.0
4 Arkansas 1.00 18.9 19.0 19.7 19.5 19.4 0.03 614.0 594.0 1208.0
10. Change the names of the columns so you can distinguish between the SAT columns and the ACT columns.
#first, gonna make everything lower case
lower_names = []
for i in both.columns:
both.columns = lower_names
###### SCRAP THIS VERSION ######

# #then, gonna change the ones we didn't already add a suffix to
# act_cols = ['english', 'reading', 'science', 'composite']
# sat_cols = ['evidence-based reading and writing', 'total']

# act_new_cols = [i+'_act' for i in act_cols]
# sat_new_cols = [i+'_sat' for i in sat_cols]
new_cols = ['state', 'participation_act', 'english_act', 'math_act','reading_act', 'science_act','composite_act',
            'participation_sat','evidence-based reading and writing_sat', 'math_sat','total_sat']
both.columns = new_cols
state participation_act english_act math_act reading_act science_act composite_act participation_sat evidence-based reading and writing_sat math_sat total_sat
0 National 0.60 20.3 20.7 21.4 21.0 21.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN
1 Alabama 1.00 18.9 18.4 19.7 19.4 19.2 0.05 593.0 572.0 1165.0
2 Alaska 0.65 18.7 19.8 20.4 19.9 19.8 0.38 547.0 533.0 1080.0
3 Arizona 0.62 18.6 19.8 20.1 19.8 19.7 0.30 563.0 553.0 1116.0
4 Arkansas 1.00 18.9 19.0 19.7 19.5 19.4 0.03 614.0 594.0 1208.0
11. Print the minimum and maximum of each numeric column in the data frame.
# ###### OLD, SLOW WAY #####
# numeric_cols = ['english_act', 'math_sat', 'reading_act', 'science_act', 'composite_act', 
#                 'evidence-based reading and writing_sat', 'math_act', 'total_sat']

# for i in both.columns:
#     if i in numeric_cols:
#         print('Min and Max of {}: ({}, {})'.format(i, both[i].min(),both[i].max()))
# numeric_cols = ['english_act', 'math_act', 'reading_act', 'science_act', 'composite_act', 
#                 'evidence-based reading and writing_sat', 'math_sat', 'total_sat']
# #### NEW WAY, incl. PARTICIPATION ####
numeric_cols = list(both.columns)[1:]
minmax = [(both[i].min(), both[i].max()) for i in both.columns if i in numeric_cols]

for i in range(len(numeric_cols)):
    print('Min and Max of {}: {}'.format(numeric_cols[i], minmax[i]))
Min and Max of participation_act: (0.08, 1.0)
Min and Max of english_act: (16.3, 25.5)
Min and Max of math_act: (18.0, 25.3)
Min and Max of reading_act: (18.1, 26.0)
Min and Max of science_act: (2.3, 24.9)
Min and Max of composite_act: (17.8, 25.5)
Min and Max of participation_sat: (0.02, 1.0)
Min and Max of evidence-based reading and writing_sat: (482.0, 644.0)
Min and Max of math_sat: (52.0, 651.0)
Min and Max of total_sat: (950.0, 1295.0)
12. Write a function using only list comprehensions, no loops, to compute standard deviation. Using this function, calculate the standard deviation of each numeric column in both data sets. Add these to a list called sd.
def std_dev(sample):
    """Computes standard deviation using list comprehensions."""
    std = np.sqrt(np.sum([((i - np.nanmean(sample))**2) for i in sample]) / len(sample))
    return std
# check that it works!

 'evidence-based reading and writing_sat',
std_dev(both['evidence-based reading and writing_sat'])
state participation_act english_act math_act reading_act science_act composite_act participation_sat evidence-based reading and writing_sat math_sat total_sat
0 National 0.60 20.3 20.7 21.4 21.0 21.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN
1 Alabama 1.00 18.9 18.4 19.7 19.4 19.2 0.05 593.0 572.0 1165.0
2 Alaska 0.65 18.7 19.8 20.4 19.9 19.8 0.38 547.0 533.0 1080.0
3 Arizona 0.62 18.6 19.8 20.1 19.8 19.7 0.30 563.0 553.0 1116.0
4 Arkansas 1.00 18.9 19.0 19.7 19.5 19.4 0.03 614.0 594.0 1208.0
both.loc[:,['evidence-based reading and writing_sat', 'math_sat', 'total_sat']].head()
evidence-based reading and writing_sat math_sat total_sat
0 NaN NaN NaN
1 593.0 572.0 1165.0
2 547.0 533.0 1080.0
3 563.0 553.0 1116.0
4 614.0 594.0 1208.0
# dropping NaN national row 
state participation_act english_act math_act reading_act science_act composite_act participation_sat evidence-based reading and writing_sat math_sat total_sat
1 Alabama 1.00 18.9 18.4 19.7 19.4 19.2 0.05 593.0 572.0 1165.0
2 Alaska 0.65 18.7 19.8 20.4 19.9 19.8 0.38 547.0 533.0 1080.0
3 Arizona 0.62 18.6 19.8 20.1 19.8 19.7 0.30 563.0 553.0 1116.0
4 Arkansas 1.00 18.9 19.0 19.7 19.5 19.4 0.03 614.0 594.0 1208.0
5 California 0.31 22.5 22.7 23.1 22.2 22.8 0.53 531.0 524.0 1055.0
sd = [std_dev(both[i]) for i in numeric_cols]
print(sd,'\n', 'len is',len(sd))
[0.31824175751231804, 2.3304876369363368, 1.9624620273436781, 2.046902931484265, 3.151107895464408, 2.0007860815819893, 0.3492907076664507, 45.21697020437866, 84.07255521608297, 91.58351056778743] 
 len is 10

Step 2: Manipulate the dataframe

13. Turn the list sd into a new observation in your dataset.
# add a row label that would match up with 'state' to make the sd list the same length as the # of cols in dataframe
sd.insert(0, 'std_dev')
# put it on the end row
both.loc[52] = sd
state participation_act english_act math_act reading_act science_act composite_act participation_sat evidence-based reading and writing_sat math_sat total_sat
48 Washington 0.290000 20.900000 21.900000 22.100000 22.000000 21.900000 0.640000 541.00000 534.000000 1075.000000
49 West Virginia 0.690000 20.000000 19.400000 21.200000 20.500000 20.400000 0.140000 558.00000 528.000000 1086.000000
50 Wisconsin 1.000000 19.700000 20.400000 20.600000 20.900000 20.500000 0.030000 642.00000 649.000000 1291.000000
51 Wyoming 1.000000 19.400000 19.800000 20.800000 20.600000 20.200000 0.030000 626.00000 604.000000 1230.000000
52 std_dev 0.318242 2.330488 1.962462 2.046903 3.151108 2.000786 0.349291 45.21697 84.072555 91.583511
14. Sort the dataframe by the values in a numeric column (e.g. observations descending by SAT participation rate)
both.sort_values(by='total_sat', ascending=False)
state participation_act english_act math_act reading_act science_act composite_act participation_sat evidence-based reading and writing_sat math_sat total_sat
24 Minnesota 1.000000 20.400000 21.500000 21.800000 21.600000 21.500000 0.030000 644.00000 651.000000 1295.000000
50 Wisconsin 1.000000 19.700000 20.400000 20.600000 20.900000 20.500000 0.030000 642.00000 649.000000 1291.000000
16 Iowa 0.670000 21.200000 21.300000 22.600000 22.100000 21.900000 0.020000 641.00000 635.000000 1275.000000
26 Missouri 1.000000 19.800000 19.900000 20.800000 20.500000 20.400000 0.030000 640.00000 631.000000 1271.000000
17 Kansas 0.730000 21.100000 21.300000 22.300000 21.700000 21.700000 0.040000 632.00000 628.000000 1260.000000
35 North Dakota 0.980000 19.000000 20.400000 20.500000 20.600000 20.300000 0.020000 635.00000 621.000000 1256.000000
28 Nebraska 0.840000 20.900000 20.900000 21.900000 21.500000 21.400000 0.030000 629.00000 625.000000 1253.000000
18 Kentucky 1.000000 19.600000 19.400000 20.500000 20.100000 20.000000 0.040000 631.00000 616.000000 1247.000000
25 Mississippi 1.000000 18.200000 18.100000 18.800000 18.800000 18.600000 0.020000 634.00000 607.000000 1242.000000
45 Utah 1.000000 19.500000 19.900000 20.800000 20.600000 20.300000 0.030000 624.00000 614.000000 1238.000000
51 Wyoming 1.000000 19.400000 19.800000 20.800000 20.600000 20.200000 0.030000 626.00000 604.000000 1230.000000
43 Tennessee 1.000000 19.500000 19.200000 20.100000 19.900000 19.800000 0.050000 623.00000 604.000000 1228.000000
42 South Dakota 0.800000 20.700000 21.500000 22.300000 22.000000 21.800000 0.030000 612.00000 603.000000 1216.000000
4 Arkansas 1.000000 18.900000 19.000000 19.700000 19.500000 19.400000 0.030000 614.00000 594.000000 1208.000000
6 Colorado 1.000000 20.100000 20.300000 21.200000 20.900000 20.800000 0.110000 606.00000 595.000000 1201.000000
19 Louisiana 1.000000 19.400000 18.800000 19.800000 19.600000 19.500000 0.040000 611.00000 586.000000 1198.000000
27 Montana 1.000000 19.000000 20.200000 21.000000 20.500000 20.300000 0.100000 605.00000 591.000000 1196.000000
1 Alabama 1.000000 18.900000 18.400000 19.700000 19.400000 19.200000 0.050000 593.00000 572.000000 1165.000000
36 Ohio 0.750000 21.200000 21.600000 22.500000 22.000000 22.000000 0.120000 578.00000 570.000000 1149.000000
32 New Mexico 0.660000 18.600000 19.400000 20.400000 20.000000 19.700000 0.110000 577.00000 561.000000 1138.000000
3 Arizona 0.620000 18.600000 19.800000 20.100000 19.800000 19.700000 0.300000 563.00000 553.000000 1116.000000
29 Nevada 1.000000 16.300000 18.000000 18.100000 18.200000 17.800000 0.260000 563.00000 553.000000 1116.000000
14 Illinois 0.930000 21.000000 21.200000 21.600000 21.300000 21.400000 0.090000 559.00000 556.000000 1115.000000
46 Vermont 0.290000 23.300000 23.100000 24.400000 23.200000 23.600000 0.600000 562.00000 551.000000 1114.000000
38 Oregon 0.400000 21.200000 21.500000 22.400000 21.700000 21.800000 0.430000 560.00000 548.000000 1108.000000
22 Massachusetts 0.290000 25.400000 25.300000 25.900000 24.700000 25.400000 0.760000 555.00000 551.000000 1107.000000
47 Virginia 0.290000 23.500000 23.300000 24.600000 23.500000 23.800000 0.650000 561.00000 541.000000 1102.000000
49 West Virginia 0.690000 20.000000 19.400000 21.200000 20.500000 20.400000 0.140000 558.00000 528.000000 1086.000000
12 Hawaii 0.900000 17.800000 19.200000 19.200000 19.300000 19.000000 0.550000 544.00000 541.000000 1085.000000
34 North Carolina 1.000000 17.800000 19.300000 19.600000 19.300000 19.100000 0.490000 546.00000 535.000000 1081.000000
2 Alaska 0.650000 18.700000 19.800000 20.400000 19.900000 19.800000 0.380000 547.00000 533.000000 1080.000000
48 Washington 0.290000 20.900000 21.900000 22.100000 22.000000 21.900000 0.640000 541.00000 534.000000 1075.000000
15 Indiana 0.350000 22.000000 22.400000 23.200000 22.300000 22.600000 0.630000 542.00000 532.000000 1074.000000
39 Pennsylvania 0.230000 23.400000 23.400000 24.200000 23.300000 23.700000 0.650000 540.00000 531.000000 1071.000000
41 South Carolina 1.000000 17.500000 18.600000 19.100000 18.900000 18.700000 0.500000 543.00000 521.000000 1064.000000
40 Rhode Island 0.210000 24.000000 23.300000 24.700000 23.400000 24.000000 0.710000 539.00000 524.000000 1062.000000
21 Maryland 0.280000 23.300000 23.100000 24.200000 2.300000 23.600000 0.690000 536.00000 52.000000 1060.000000
31 New Jersey 0.340000 23.800000 23.800000 24.100000 23.200000 23.900000 0.700000 530.00000 526.000000 1056.000000
5 California 0.310000 22.500000 22.700000 23.100000 22.200000 22.800000 0.530000 531.00000 524.000000 1055.000000
33 New York 0.310000 23.800000 24.000000 24.600000 23.900000 24.200000 0.670000 528.00000 523.000000 1052.000000
30 New Hampshire 0.180000 25.400000 25.100000 26.000000 24.900000 25.500000 0.960000 532.00000 520.000000 1052.000000
11 Georgia 0.550000 21.000000 20.900000 22.000000 21.300000 21.400000 0.610000 535.00000 515.000000 1050.000000
37 Oklahoma 1.000000 18.500000 18.800000 20.100000 19.600000 19.400000 0.070000 530.00000 517.000000 1047.000000
7 Connecticut 0.310000 25.500000 24.600000 25.600000 24.600000 25.200000 1.000000 530.00000 512.000000 1041.000000
44 Texas 0.450000 19.500000 20.700000 21.100000 20.900000 20.700000 0.620000 513.00000 507.000000 1020.000000
10 Florida 0.730000 19.000000 19.400000 21.000000 19.400000 19.800000 0.830000 520.00000 497.000000 1017.000000
20 Maine 0.080000 24.200000 24.000000 24.800000 23.700000 24.300000 0.950000 513.00000 499.000000 1012.000000
13 Idaho 0.380000 21.900000 21.800000 23.000000 22.100000 22.300000 0.930000 513.00000 493.000000 1005.000000
23 Michigan 0.290000 24.100000 23.700000 24.500000 23.800000 24.100000 1.000000 509.00000 495.000000 1005.000000
8 Delaware 0.180000 24.100000 23.400000 24.800000 23.600000 24.100000 1.000000 503.00000 492.000000 996.000000
9 District of Columbia 0.320000 24.400000 23.500000 24.900000 23.500000 24.200000 1.000000 482.00000 468.000000 950.000000
52 std_dev 0.318242 2.330488 1.962462 2.046903 3.151108 2.000786 0.349291 45.21697 84.072555 91.583511
15. Use a boolean filter to display only observations with a score above a certain threshold (e.g. only states with a participation rate above 50%)
both[both['math_sat'] >= 600]
state participation_act english_act math_act reading_act science_act composite_act participation_sat evidence-based reading and writing_sat math_sat total_sat
16 Iowa 0.67 21.2 21.3 22.6 22.1 21.9 0.02 641.0 635.0 1275.0
17 Kansas 0.73 21.1 21.3 22.3 21.7 21.7 0.04 632.0 628.0 1260.0
18 Kentucky 1.00 19.6 19.4 20.5 20.1 20.0 0.04 631.0 616.0 1247.0
24 Minnesota 1.00 20.4 21.5 21.8 21.6 21.5 0.03 644.0 651.0 1295.0
25 Mississippi 1.00 18.2 18.1 18.8 18.8 18.6 0.02 634.0 607.0 1242.0
26 Missouri 1.00 19.8 19.9 20.8 20.5 20.4 0.03 640.0 631.0 1271.0
28 Nebraska 0.84 20.9 20.9 21.9 21.5 21.4 0.03 629.0 625.0 1253.0
35 North Dakota 0.98 19.0 20.4 20.5 20.6 20.3 0.02 635.0 621.0 1256.0
42 South Dakota 0.80 20.7 21.5 22.3 22.0 21.8 0.03 612.0 603.0 1216.0
43 Tennessee 1.00 19.5 19.2 20.1 19.9 19.8 0.05 623.0 604.0 1228.0
45 Utah 1.00 19.5 19.9 20.8 20.6 20.3 0.03 624.0 614.0 1238.0
50 Wisconsin 1.00 19.7 20.4 20.6 20.9 20.5 0.03 642.0 649.0 1291.0
51 Wyoming 1.00 19.4 19.8 20.8 20.6 20.2 0.03 626.0 604.0 1230.0

Step 3: Visualize the data

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

%matplotlib inline
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,2, figsize=(15,8))

fig.suptitle('Participation Rates for ACT and SAT', fontsize=16)

ax[0].hist(both[both['state'] != 'std_dev'].loc[:,'participation_act']);
ax[0].set(title='ACT Participation');

ax[1].hist(both[both['state'] != 'std_dev'].loc[:,'participation_sat']);
ax[1].set(title='SAT Participation');


# sat
17. Plot the Math(s) distributions from both data sets.
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,2, figsize=(15,8))

fig.suptitle('Math Scores for ACT and SAT', fontsize=16)

ax[0].hist(both[both['state'] != 'std_dev'].loc[:,'math_act']);
ax[0].set(title='ACT Math');

ax[1].hist(both[both['state'] != 'std_dev'].loc[:,'math_sat']);
ax[1].set(title='SAT Math');


tests = both.copy()
tests.loc[21, 'math_sat'] = float(tests.loc[21, 'total_sat'] - tests.loc[21, 'evidence-based reading and writing_sat'])
state participation_act english_act math_act reading_act science_act composite_act participation_sat evidence-based reading and writing_sat math_sat total_sat
18 Kentucky 1.00 19.6 19.4 20.5 20.1 20.0 0.04 631.0 616.0 1247.0
19 Louisiana 1.00 19.4 18.8 19.8 19.6 19.5 0.04 611.0 586.0 1198.0
20 Maine 0.08 24.2 24.0 24.8 23.7 24.3 0.95 513.0 499.0 1012.0
21 Maryland 0.28 23.3 23.1 24.2 2.3 23.6 0.69 536.0 524.0 1060.0
22 Massachusetts 0.29 25.4 25.3 25.9 24.7 25.4 0.76 555.0 551.0 1107.0
23 Michigan 0.29 24.1 23.7 24.5 23.8 24.1 1.00 509.0 495.0 1005.0
24 Minnesota 1.00 20.4 21.5 21.8 21.6 21.5 0.03 644.0 651.0 1295.0
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,2, figsize=(15,8))

fig.suptitle('Math Scores for ACT and SAT', fontsize=16)

ax[0].hist(tests[tests['state'] != 'std_dev'].loc[:,'math_act']);
ax[0].set(title='ACT Math');

ax[1].hist(tests[tests['state'] != 'std_dev'].loc[:,'math_sat']);
ax[1].set(title='SAT Math');


18. Plot the Verbal distributions from both data sets.
state participation_act english_act math_act reading_act science_act composite_act participation_sat evidence-based reading and writing_sat math_sat total_sat
1 Alabama 1.00 18.9 18.4 19.7 19.4 19.2 0.05 593.0 572.0 1165.0
2 Alaska 0.65 18.7 19.8 20.4 19.9 19.8 0.38 547.0 533.0 1080.0
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,3, figsize=(15,8))

fig.suptitle('Verbal Scores for ACT and SAT', fontsize=16)

ax[0].hist(tests[tests['state'] != 'std_dev'].loc[:,'english_act']);
ax[0].set(title='ACT English');

ax[1].hist(tests[tests['state'] != 'std_dev'].loc[:,'reading_act']);
ax[1].set(title='ACT Reading');

ax[2].hist(tests[tests['state'] != 'std_dev'].loc[:,'evidence-based reading and writing_sat']);
ax[2].set(title='SAT Verbal');


Adding in z-score columns

Here’s what I’m trying to do:

  • Iteratively make new columns with ‘_zscore’ append to each numeric column (probably a for loop)
  • For each of those columns, iterate over each state row and calculate z-score, then put it in (probably .apply(lambda x: x- [whichever is appr. mean])
  • Then I can use those values as color scales for visualization (in Tableau, or learn with Seaborn or Pyplot)
# tests['math_sat']
dftestlist = [float(tests[tests['state'] == 'std_dev'][i].values) for i in list(tests.columns)[1:]]
zscorenames = [i+'_zscore' for i in list(tests.columns)[1:]]
 'evidence-based reading and writing_sat_zscore',
## use .map() or .apply()
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(low=0, high=10, size=(5, 5)),columns=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'])
for i in tests.columns[1:]:
    for j in zscorenames:
        df[j] = tests[i].mean()
df[[i+'_zscore' for i in list(tests.columns)[1:]][0]] = np.random.randint(1,10)
df['participation_act_zscore'] = df['participation_act_zscore'].apply(lambda x: x - dftestlist[df.columns.get_loc('participation_act_zscore')])
a b c d e participation_act_zscore english_act_zscore math_act_zscore reading_act_zscore science_act_zscore composite_act_zscore participation_sat_zscore evidence-based reading and writing_sat_zscore math_sat_zscore total_sat_zscore
0 6 6 5 2 2 0.999214 1106.203529 1106.203529 1106.203529 1106.203529 1106.203529 1106.203529 1106.203529 1106.203529 1106.203529
1 1 5 4 8 3 0.999214 1106.203529 1106.203529 1106.203529 1106.203529 1106.203529 1106.203529 1106.203529 1106.203529 1106.203529
2 0 8 0 6 7 0.999214 1106.203529 1106.203529 1106.203529 1106.203529 1106.203529 1106.203529 1106.203529 1106.203529 1106.203529
3 1 3 9 9 4 0.999214 1106.203529 1106.203529 1106.203529 1106.203529 1106.203529 1106.203529 1106.203529 1106.203529 1106.203529
4 7 0 5 6 0 0.999214 1106.203529 1106.203529 1106.203529 1106.203529 1106.203529 1106.203529 1106.203529 1106.203529 1106.203529
19. When we make assumptions about how data are distributed, what is the most common assumption?

A: Generally we tend to assume it’s normally distributed, if anything

20. Does this assumption hold true for any of our columns? Which?
for i in range(len(tests.columns[1:])):
evidence-based reading and writing_sat
tests['science_act'][21] = 23.0
C:\Users\james\Anaconda3\envs\dsi\lib\site-packages\ipykernel\ SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame

See the caveats in the documentation:
  if __name__ == '__main__':
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=len(tests.columns[1:]), ncols=1, figsize=(10, 40));

for i in range(len(tests.columns[1:])):
        tests[tests['state'] != 'std_dev'].loc[:,tests.columns[i+1]],
#     ax[i].set_ylabel(tests.columns[i+1]);
C:\Users\james\Anaconda3\envs\dsi\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\axes\ UserWarning: The 'normed' kwarg is deprecated, and has been replaced by the 'density' kwarg.
  warnings.warn("The 'normed' kwarg is deprecated, and has been "


A: If anything, Science ACT scores are closes, but most look multi-modal or very skewed

21. Plot some scatterplots examining relationships between all variables.
# making some things easy on myself by dropping 'std_dev' row
new = tests.drop(52, axis=0)
state participation_act english_act math_act reading_act science_act composite_act participation_sat evidence-based reading and writing_sat math_sat total_sat
49 West Virginia 0.69 20.0 19.4 21.2 20.5 20.4 0.14 558.0 528.0 1086.0
50 Wisconsin 1.00 19.7 20.4 20.6 20.9 20.5 0.03 642.0 649.0 1291.0
51 Wyoming 1.00 19.4 19.8 20.8 20.6 20.2 0.03 626.0 604.0 1230.0






22. Are there any interesting relationships to note?

A: ACT participation and SAT scores are negatively correlated (as well as the converse). This is likely because test-taksrs for those in states where one test has much higher participation than the other means that only ambitious, prepared students are taking the non-default test in their state.

23. Create box plots for each variable.
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=len(new.columns[1:]), ncols=1, figsize=(10,40));

for i in range(len(new.columns[1:])):
C:\Users\james\Anaconda3\envs\dsi\lib\site-packages\seaborn\ FutureWarning: remove_na is deprecated and is a private function. Do not use.
  box_data = remove_na(group_data)


BONUS: Using Tableau, create a heat map for each variable using a map of the US.

Tableau dashboard here!:!/vizhome/SAT_ACT/Dashboard1

Step 4: Descriptive and Inferential Statistics

24. Summarize each distribution. As data scientists, be sure to back up these summaries with statistics. (Hint: What are the three things we care about when describing distributions?)
#center, shape, spread. Center and Spread are below for each distribution
count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
participation_act 51.0 0.652549 0.321408 0.08 0.31 0.69 1.00 1.0
english_act 51.0 20.931373 2.353677 16.30 19.00 20.70 23.30 25.5
math_act 51.0 21.182353 1.981989 18.00 19.40 20.90 23.10 25.3
reading_act 51.0 22.013725 2.067271 18.10 20.45 21.80 24.15 26.0
science_act 51.0 21.447059 1.735552 18.20 19.95 21.30 23.10 24.9
composite_act 51.0 21.519608 2.020695 17.80 19.80 21.40 23.60 25.5
participation_sat 51.0 0.398039 0.352766 0.02 0.04 0.38 0.66 1.0
evidence-based reading and writing_sat 51.0 569.117647 45.666901 482.00 533.50 559.00 613.00 644.0
math_sat 51.0 556.882353 47.121395 468.00 523.50 548.00 599.00 651.0
total_sat 51.0 1126.098039 92.494812 950.00 1055.50 1107.00 1212.00 1295.0
# Shapes are below:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=len(tests.columns[1:]), ncols=1, figsize=(10, 40));

for i in range(len(tests.columns[1:])):
        tests[tests['state'] != 'std_dev'].loc[:,tests.columns[i+1]],
C:\Users\james\Anaconda3\envs\dsi\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\axes\ UserWarning: The 'normed' kwarg is deprecated, and has been replaced by the 'density' kwarg.
  warnings.warn("The 'normed' kwarg is deprecated, and has been "


25. Summarize each relationship. Be sure to back up these summaries with statistics.

A: See #21. Summary stats below.

participation_act english_act math_act reading_act science_act composite_act participation_sat evidence-based reading and writing_sat math_sat total_sat
participation_act 1.000000 -0.843501 -0.861114 -0.866620 -0.835756 -0.858134 -0.841234 0.716153 0.682572 0.701477
english_act -0.843501 1.000000 0.967803 0.985999 0.979869 0.990856 0.686889 -0.461345 -0.420673 -0.441947
math_act -0.861114 0.967803 1.000000 0.979630 0.986860 0.990451 0.710697 -0.486126 -0.420456 -0.454116
reading_act -0.866620 0.985999 0.979630 1.000000 0.987760 0.995069 0.705352 -0.488441 -0.442410 -0.466558
science_act -0.835756 0.979869 0.986860 0.987760 1.000000 0.994935 0.653194 -0.421383 -0.364707 -0.393776
composite_act -0.858134 0.990856 0.990451 0.995069 0.994935 1.000000 0.694748 -0.470382 -0.417817 -0.445020
participation_sat -0.841234 0.686889 0.710697 0.705352 0.653194 0.694748 1.000000 -0.874326 -0.855091 -0.867540
evidence-based reading and writing_sat 0.716153 -0.461345 -0.486126 -0.488441 -0.421383 -0.470382 -0.874326 1.000000 0.987056 0.996661
math_sat 0.682572 -0.420673 -0.420456 -0.442410 -0.364707 -0.417817 -0.855091 0.987056 1.000000 0.996822
total_sat 0.701477 -0.441947 -0.454116 -0.466558 -0.393776 -0.445020 -0.867540 0.996661 0.996822 1.000000
26. Execute a hypothesis test comparing the SAT and ACT participation rates. Use $\alpha = 0.05$. Be sure to interpret your results.
import scipy.stats as stats
count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
participation_act 51.0 0.652549 0.321408 0.08 0.31 0.69 1.00 1.0
participation_sat 51.0 0.398039 0.352766 0.02 0.04 0.38 0.66 1.0
# def sampler(population, n=30, k=1000):
#     sample_means = []
#     for i in range(k):
#         sample = np.random.choice(population, size=n, replace=True)
#         sample_means.append(np.mean(sample))
#     return sample_means

Hypothesis Testing: Participation Rates

  1. Construct null hypothesis (and alternative).
    • H0: The ACT participation rate is the same as SAT participation rate (difference in part. rates = 0)
    • H1: ACT_partic != SAT_partic (dif in part. rates != 0)
  2. Specify a level of significance.
    • $\alpha = 0.05$

. 3. Calculate your point estimate

experimental = new['participation_sat']
control = new['participation_act']

. 4. Calculate your test statistic

stats.ttest_ind(experimental, control)
Ttest_indResult(statistic=-3.8085778908170544, pvalue=0.00024134203698662353)

. 5. Find your p-value and make a conclusion

alpha = 0.05
p_hyp = stats.ttest_ind(experimental, control)[1]
p_hyp < alpha

Since p < $\alpha$, we have evidence to reject H0.

That is, the difference in participation rates between ACT and SAT across states is not 0, and not due to chance

27. Generate and interpret 95% confidence intervals for SAT and ACT participation rates.
def confidencer(sample, sd=0.95):
    """Take in sample and sig. level, then return CI
    sample = dataset
    sd = significance level, default 95%."""
    zscore = stats.norm.ppf(1-(1-sd)/2) 
    low_ci = sample.mean() - zscore*sample.sem()

    high_ci = sample.mean() + zscore*sample.sem()
#     interval = (low_ci, high_ci)
#     print((low_ci, high_ci))

#     print("{0:.0f}% of similar sample means will fall between the range above.".format(sd*100))
    return (low_ci, high_ci)
(0.5643385258470263, 0.7407595133686601)
confidencer(new['participation_sat'], .95)
(0.3012225501733267, 0.49485588119922247)
28. Given your answer to 26, was your answer to 27 surprising? Why?

A: No, because knowing that the part. rates are significantly different, I would expect them to have different ranges for the sample means we’re getting the 95% confidence intervals for

29. Is it appropriate to generate correlation between SAT and ACT math scores? Why?

A: It depends. There are many factors that go into how these avg. state scores came out: educational policies, funding, participation rates (perhaps we can weight correlations by that?), among others. Correlations are fine to look at in general since they are similarly-goaled aptitude tests. However, we should be careful about drawing any major conclusions from just the correlational data we have here.

30. Suppose we only seek to understand the relationship between SAT and ACT data in 2017. Does it make sense to conduct statistical inference given the data we have? Why?

A: Yes, because this data comes from that year. From the README:

These data give average SAT and ACT scores by state, as well as participation rates, for the graduating class of 2017.



Some questions for myself to explore:

  • What states have highest participation rates for ACT? SAT?
    • What can we infer about them?
  • What can we learn from states that have high part. rates of both? Low rates of both?
  • What states have the highest deltas btwn SAT and ACT part. rate?
    • Anything else we can learn from these?
  • Do we know which states have mandatory testing for either SAT / ACT?

Some final questions to explore as takeaways for the ‘client’ group:

  • Do we have any data in regards to college acceptance rates by state that we can correlate to SAT/ACT participation?
  • Any median income or other data (5 yrs out) for those who took one test or another?
  • Any data on colleges accepting SAT vs. ACT? Common app, etc?
  • Is there any benefit to taking both tests?
    • if not, do you want to throw eggs more into one basket vs. another?
eda = new.copy()
eda = eda.rename(columns={
    'evidence-based reading and writing_sat':'sat_erbw',
state act_participation act_eng act_math act_reading act_sci act_composite sat_participation sat_erbw sat_math sat_total
1 Alabama 1.00 18.9 18.4 19.7 19.4 19.2 0.05 593.0 572.0 1165.0
2 Alaska 0.65 18.7 19.8 20.4 19.9 19.8 0.38 547.0 533.0 1080.0
eda[['state','act_participation','sat_participation']].sort_values(by='act_participation', ascending=False)
state act_participation sat_participation
1 Alabama 1.00 0.05
18 Kentucky 1.00 0.04
50 Wisconsin 1.00 0.03
45 Utah 1.00 0.03
43 Tennessee 1.00 0.05
41 South Carolina 1.00 0.50
37 Oklahoma 1.00 0.07
34 North Carolina 1.00 0.49
29 Nevada 1.00 0.26
27 Montana 1.00 0.10
25 Mississippi 1.00 0.02
24 Minnesota 1.00 0.03
19 Louisiana 1.00 0.04
26 Missouri 1.00 0.03
51 Wyoming 1.00 0.03
6 Colorado 1.00 0.11
4 Arkansas 1.00 0.03
35 North Dakota 0.98 0.02
14 Illinois 0.93 0.09
12 Hawaii 0.90 0.55
28 Nebraska 0.84 0.03
42 South Dakota 0.80 0.03
36 Ohio 0.75 0.12
10 Florida 0.73 0.83
17 Kansas 0.73 0.04
49 West Virginia 0.69 0.14
16 Iowa 0.67 0.02
32 New Mexico 0.66 0.11
2 Alaska 0.65 0.38
3 Arizona 0.62 0.30
11 Georgia 0.55 0.61
44 Texas 0.45 0.62
38 Oregon 0.40 0.43
13 Idaho 0.38 0.93
15 Indiana 0.35 0.63
31 New Jersey 0.34 0.70
9 District of Columbia 0.32 1.00
7 Connecticut 0.31 1.00
5 California 0.31 0.53
33 New York 0.31 0.67
23 Michigan 0.29 1.00
22 Massachusetts 0.29 0.76
46 Vermont 0.29 0.60
47 Virginia 0.29 0.65
48 Washington 0.29 0.64
21 Maryland 0.28 0.69
39 Pennsylvania 0.23 0.65
40 Rhode Island 0.21 0.71
8 Delaware 0.18 1.00
30 New Hampshire 0.18 0.96
20 Maine 0.08 0.95
# creating a column that measures difference in ACT and SAT participation
eda['particip_dif_act_sat'] = eda['act_participation'] - eda['sat_participation']

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15,10));
ax = plt.gca();
eda['particip_dif_act_sat'].sort_values().plot(kind='barh', color='mediumorchid');
ax.set_yticklabels([i for i in eda['state'][eda['particip_dif_act_sat'].sort_values().index]]);


Creating a regional map for states to dig into the data a little deeper…

From here:

# dict for state -> region
region_map = {'Connecticut': 'Northeast', 'Maine': 'Northeast', 'Massachusetts': 'Northeast',
             'New Hampshire': 'Northeast', 'Rhode Island': 'Northeast', 'Vermont': 'Northeast',
             'New Jersey': 'Northeast', 'New York': 'Northeast', 'Pennsylvania': 'Northeast',
             'Illinois': 'Midwest', 'Indiana': 'Midwest', 'Michigan': 'Midwest', 'Ohio': 'Midwest', 'Wisconsin': 'Midwest',
             'Iowa': 'Midwest', 'Kansas':'Midwest', 'Minnesota': 'Midwest', 'Missouri': 'Midwest', 'Nebraska': 'Midwest',
             'North Dakota':'Midwest', 'South Dakota': 'Midwest',
             'Delaware': 'South', 'Florida':'South', 'Georgia':'South', 'Maryland':'South', 'North Carolina':'South',
             'South Carolina':'South', 'Virginia':'South', 'District of Columbia':'South', 'West Virginia':'South',
             'West Virginia':'South', 'Alabama':'South', 'Kentucky':'South', 'Mississippi':'South', 'Tennessee':'South',
             'Arkansas':'South', 'Louisiana':'South', 'Oklahoma':'South', 'Texas':'South',
             'Arizona':'West', 'Colorado':'West', 'Idaho':'West', 'Montana':'West', 'Nevada':'West', 'New Mexico':'West',
             'Utah':'West', 'Wyoming':'West', 'Alaska':'West', 'California':'West', 'Hawaii':'West', 'Oregon':'West',
#creating a column to map a region for each state row
eda['region'] = [region_map[i] for i in eda['state']]
state act_participation act_eng act_math act_reading act_sci act_composite sat_participation sat_erbw sat_math sat_total particip_dif_act_sat region
1 Alabama 1.00 18.9 18.4 19.7 19.4 19.2 0.05 593.0 572.0 1165.0 0.95 South
2 Alaska 0.65 18.7 19.8 20.4 19.9 19.8 0.38 547.0 533.0 1080.0 0.27 West
3 Arizona 0.62 18.6 19.8 20.1 19.8 19.7 0.30 563.0 553.0 1116.0 0.32 West
4 Arkansas 1.00 18.9 19.0 19.7 19.5 19.4 0.03 614.0 594.0 1208.0 0.97 South
5 California 0.31 22.5 22.7 23.1 22.2 22.8 0.53 531.0 524.0 1055.0 -0.22 West
Midwest      0.605833
Northeast   -0.528889
South        0.332941
West         0.370000
Name: particip_dif_act_sat, dtype: float64
Index(['Midwest', 'Northeast', 'South', 'West'], dtype='object', name='region')
SO = eda[eda['region']=='South']['particip_dif_act_sat']
WE = eda[eda['region']=='West']['particip_dif_act_sat']
NE = eda[eda['region']=='Northeast']['particip_dif_act_sat']
MW = eda[eda['region']=='Midwest']['particip_dif_act_sat']

fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2, figsize=(15,10));

width = 2
size = 14

ax[0,0].barh(y=eda.loc[SO.sort_values().index, 'state'].values, width=SO.sort_values(), color='mediumorchid');
ax[0,0].axvline(x=0, color='gray', linewidth=width);
ax[0,0].set_title('South Region', fontsize=size);
ax[0,0].set_xlim(left=-1, right=1);

ax[0,1].barh(y=eda.loc[WE.sort_values().index, 'state'].values, width=WE.sort_values(), color='mediumseagreen');
ax[0,1].axvline(x=0, color='gray', linewidth=width);
ax[0,1].set_title('West Region', fontsize=size);
ax[0,1].set_xlim(left=-1, right=1);

ax[1,0].barh(y=eda.loc[NE.sort_values().index, 'state'].values, width=NE.sort_values(), color='mediumslateblue');
ax[1,0].axvline(x=0, color='gray', linewidth=width);
ax[1,0].set_title('Northeast Region', fontsize=size);
ax[1,0].set_xlim(left=-1, right=1);

ax[1,1].barh(y=eda.loc[MW.sort_values().index, 'state'].values, width=MW.sort_values(), color='salmon');
ax[1,1].axvline(x=0, color='gray', linewidth=width);
ax[1,1].set_title('Midwest Region', fontsize=size);
ax[1,1].set_xlim(left=-1, right=1);


SO = eda[eda['region']=='South']['particip_dif_act_sat']
WE = eda[eda['region']=='West']['particip_dif_act_sat']
# NE = eda[eda['region']=='Northeast']['particip_dif_act_sat']
# MW = eda[eda['region']=='Midwest']['particip_dif_act_sat']

fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=(20,8));

width = 2
size = 18

ax[0].barh(y=eda.loc[SO.sort_values().index, 'state'].values, width=SO.sort_values(), color='mediumorchid');
ax[0].axvline(x=0, color='gray', linewidth=width);
ax[0].set_title('South Region', fontsize=size, weight='bold');
ax[0].set_xlim(left=-1, right=1);

ax[1].barh(y=eda.loc[WE.sort_values().index, 'state'].values, width=WE.sort_values(), color='mediumseagreen');
ax[1].axvline(x=0, color='gray', linewidth=width);
ax[1].set_title('West Region', fontsize=size, weight='bold');
ax[1].set_xlim(left=-1, right=1);


# Checking out South

# getting aggregate data for South, just SAT participation
agg = eda[eda['region'] == 'South']['sat_participation'].sort_values()

#setting xtick labels
xlabs = [eda.iloc[i-1,0] for i in agg.index]

#setting up figsize
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(10,6));

#barplot by region for ACT participation
agg.plot(kind='bar', ax=fig.gca(), color='mediumseagreen');

#setting some labels
ax.set_xticklabels(xlabs, fontsize=14);
ax.set_ylabel('SAT Participation Rate', fontsize=14);


eda['particip_total'] = eda['act_participation'] + eda['sat_participation']
xlabs = [i for i in eda['state'][eda['particip_total'].sort_values().index]]

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15,10));
ax = plt.gca();

eda['particip_total'].sort_values(ascending=False).plot(kind='bar', color='lightsteelblue');

ax.set_xticklabels(xlabs, fontsize=14);


# Checking out which regions over/under-index on ACT participation, compared to SAT participation

xlabs = [i for i in eda.groupby(by='region')['particip_dif_act_sat'].mean().index]

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15,10));
ax = plt.gca();

eda.groupby(by='region')['particip_dif_act_sat'].mean().plot(kind='bar', color='g');

ax.set_xticklabels(xlabs, fontsize=14);
ax.set_xlabel('Region', fontsize=14);
ax.set_ylabel('Participation Rate Difference (ACT - SAT)', fontsize=14);

plt.axhline(y=0, linestyle='dashed', color='gray', linewidth=4, zorder=2);


# Checking out which regions over/under-index on ACT participation, compared to SAT participation

# getting aggregate data by region
agg = eda.groupby(by='region')[['act_participation', 'sat_participation']].mean()

#setting xtick labels
xlabs = [i for i in agg.index]

#setting up figsize
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(10,6));

#barplot by region for ACT and SAT participation
agg.plot(kind='bar', ax=fig.gca());

#setting some labels
ax.set_xticklabels(xlabs, fontsize=14);
ax.set_ylabel('Test Participation Rate', fontsize=14);

ax.legend(('ACT Participation', 'SAT Participation'),fontsize=12);


agg = eda.groupby(by='region')[['act_participation', 'sat_participation']].mean()
act_participation sat_participation
Midwest 0.778333 0.172500
Northeast 0.248889 0.777778
South 0.734706 0.401765
West 0.708462 0.338462
eda[eda['region'] == 'Northeast']
state act_participation act_eng act_math act_reading act_sci act_composite sat_participation sat_erbw sat_math sat_total particip_dif_act_sat region particip_total
7 Connecticut 0.31 25.5 24.6 25.6 24.6 25.2 1.00 530.0 512.0 1041.0 -0.69 Northeast 1.31
20 Maine 0.08 24.2 24.0 24.8 23.7 24.3 0.95 513.0 499.0 1012.0 -0.87 Northeast 1.03
22 Massachusetts 0.29 25.4 25.3 25.9 24.7 25.4 0.76 555.0 551.0 1107.0 -0.47 Northeast 1.05
30 New Hampshire 0.18 25.4 25.1 26.0 24.9 25.5 0.96 532.0 520.0 1052.0 -0.78 Northeast 1.14
31 New Jersey 0.34 23.8 23.8 24.1 23.2 23.9 0.70 530.0 526.0 1056.0 -0.36 Northeast 1.04
33 New York 0.31 23.8 24.0 24.6 23.9 24.2 0.67 528.0 523.0 1052.0 -0.36 Northeast 0.98
39 Pennsylvania 0.23 23.4 23.4 24.2 23.3 23.7 0.65 540.0 531.0 1071.0 -0.42 Northeast 0.88
40 Rhode Island 0.21 24.0 23.3 24.7 23.4 24.0 0.71 539.0 524.0 1062.0 -0.50 Northeast 0.92
46 Vermont 0.29 23.3 23.1 24.4 23.2 23.6 0.60 562.0 551.0 1114.0 -0.31 Northeast 0.89
# Checking out NE

# getting aggregate data for NE, just ACT participation
agg = eda[eda['region'] == 'Northeast']['act_participation'].sort_values()

#setting xtick labels
xlabs = [eda.iloc[i-1,0] for i in agg.index]

#setting up figsize
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(10,6));

#barplot by region for ACT participation
agg.plot(kind='bar', ax=fig.gca(), color='lightsteelblue');

#setting some labels
ax.set_xticklabels(xlabs, fontsize=14);
ax.set_ylabel('ACT Participation Rate', fontsize=14);

# ax.legend(('ACT Participation', ''),fontsize=12);


# Checking out NE

# getting aggregate data for NE, just SAT participation
agg = eda[eda['region'] == 'Northeast']['sat_participation'].sort_values()

#setting xtick labels
xlabs = [eda.iloc[i-1,0] for i in agg.index]

#setting up figsize
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(10,6));

#barplot by region for SAT participation
agg.plot(kind='bar', ax=fig.gca(), color='lightsteelblue');

#setting some labels
ax.set_xticklabels(xlabs, fontsize=14);
ax.set_ylabel('SAT Participation Rate', fontsize=14);


# Checking out low SAT participation region

# getting aggregate data for MW, just SAT participation
agg = eda[eda['region'] == 'Midwest']['sat_participation'].sort_values()

#setting xtick labels
xlabs = [eda.iloc[i-1,0] for i in agg.index]

#setting up figsize
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(10,6));

#barplot by region for SAT participation
agg.plot(kind='bar', ax=fig.gca(), color='lightsteelblue');

#setting some labels
ax.set_xticklabels(xlabs, fontsize=14);
ax.set_ylabel('SAT Participation Rate', fontsize=14);

# ax.legend(('ACT Participation', ''),fontsize=12);


# Checking out which regions over/under-index on ACT participation, compared to SAT participation

xlabs = [i for i in eda.groupby(by='region')['particip_dif_act_sat'].mean().index]

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15,10));
ax = plt.gca();, height=[i*-1 for i in eda.groupby(by='region')['particip_dif_act_sat'].mean()], color='r');

ax.set_xticklabels(xlabs, fontsize=14);
ax.set_xlabel('Region', fontsize=14);
ax.set_ylabel('Participation Rate Difference (SAT - ACT)', fontsize=14);
# ax.set_yticklabels(ax.yaxis.get_majorticklabels(), fontsize=14)

# ax.yaxis.get_major_ticks()

# label = ax.yaxis.get_major_ticks()
# label.set_fontsize(14);

plt.axhline(y=0, linestyle='dashed', color='gray', linewidth=4, zorder=2);


Standardizing data

norm = eda.copy()

state act_participation act_eng act_math act_reading act_sci act_composite sat_participation sat_erbw sat_math sat_total particip_dif_act_sat region particip_total
1 Alabama 1.00 18.9 18.4 19.7 19.4 19.2 0.05 593.0 572.0 1165.0 0.95 South 1.05
2 Alaska 0.65 18.7 19.8 20.4 19.9 19.8 0.38 547.0 533.0 1080.0 0.27 West 1.03
drop_cols = ['state', 'region', 'act_participation', 'sat_participation', 'particip_dif_act_sat','particip_total']
norm.drop(labels=drop_cols, axis=1, inplace=True)
act_eng act_math act_reading act_sci act_composite sat_erbw sat_math sat_total
1 18.9 18.4 19.7 19.4 19.2 593.0 572.0 1165.0
2 18.7 19.8 20.4 19.9 19.8 547.0 533.0 1080.0
norm = (norm - norm.mean()) / norm.std()

act_eng act_math act_reading act_sci act_composite sat_erbw sat_math sat_total
1 -0.863063 -1.403818 -1.119218 -1.179486 -1.147926 0.522969 0.320823 0.420585
2 -0.948037 -0.697457 -0.780607 -0.891393 -0.850998 -0.484326 -0.506826 -0.498385
3 -0.990524 -0.697457 -0.925726 -0.949011 -0.900486 -0.133962 -0.082390 -0.109174
4 -0.863063 -1.101092 -1.119218 -1.121867 -1.048950 0.982820 0.787703 0.885476
5 0.666458 0.765719 0.525463 0.433834 0.633640 -0.834689 -0.697822 -0.768671
6 -0.353223 -0.445185 -0.393623 -0.315207 -0.356119 0.807639 0.808924 0.809796
7 1.941060 1.724352 1.734787 1.816679 1.821350 -0.856586 -0.952484 -0.920030
8 1.346246 1.118900 1.347803 1.240494 1.276983 -1.447824 -1.376919 -1.406544
count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
act_eng 51.0 6.182418e-16 1.0 -1.967718 -0.820577 -0.098303 1.006352 1.941060
act_math 51.0 1.155938e-15 1.0 -1.605636 -0.899275 -0.142459 0.967536 2.077532
act_reading 51.0 9.970238e-16 1.0 -1.893185 -0.756420 -0.103385 1.033379 1.928279
act_sci 51.0 -1.140700e-15 1.0 -1.870908 -0.862584 -0.084733 0.952401 1.989535
act_composite 51.0 -1.306145e-17 1.0 -1.840757 -0.850998 -0.059191 1.029543 1.969814
sat_erbw 51.0 -1.480297e-16 1.0 -1.907676 -0.779944 -0.221553 0.960922 1.639751
sat_math 51.0 1.371452e-16 1.0 -1.886242 -0.708433 -0.188499 0.893812 1.997344
sat_total 51.0 9.752547e-16 1.0 -1.903869 -0.763265 -0.206477 0.928722 1.826070
ecolors = {'act_eng':'ACT', 'act_math':'ACT', 'act_reading':'ACT', 
           'act_sci':'ACT', 'act_composite':'ACT',
           'sat_erbw':'SAT', 'sat_math':'SAT', 'sat_total':'SAT'}

xticks = ['ACT: Eng.', 'ACT: Math', 'ACT: Reading', 'ACT: Science', 'ACT: Composite','SAT: ERBW', 'SAT: Math','SAT: Total']

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1, figsize=(22,10));

sns.boxplot(x=norm.columns, y=[norm[i] for i in norm.columns], notch=True, hue=[ecolors[col] for col in norm.columns]);


# ax.axhline(y=norm.median().mean(), linestyle='dashed', color='gray', linewidth=2);

# ax.text(x=12, y=norm.median().mean()+0.3, s='Mean of boxplot medians', fontsize=12, color='white');

C:\Users\james\Anaconda3\envs\dsi\lib\site-packages\seaborn\ FutureWarning: remove_na is deprecated and is a private function. Do not use.
  box_data = remove_na(group_data[hue_mask])
C:\Users\james\Anaconda3\envs\dsi\lib\site-packages\numpy\core\ FutureWarning: reshape is deprecated and will raise in a subsequent release. Please use .values.reshape(...) instead
  return getattr(obj, method)(*args, **kwds)


# gcolors = {'act_eng':'mediumpurple', 'act_math':'mediumpurple', 'act_reading':'mediumpurple', 
#            'act_sci':'mediumpurple', 'act_composite':'mediumpurple',
#            'sat_erbw':'gold', 'sat_math':'gold', 'sat_total':'gold'}

# fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize = ((15, 8)));
# ax = fig.gca();

# fig.suptitle('Mean of Standardized Scores', fontsize=18);

#, height=norm.mean(),color=[gcolors[col] for col in norm.columns]);

# ax.tick_params(labelsize=14);
# ax.legend(('ACT sections', 'SAT sections'), fontsize=14);
count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
act_eng 51.0 6.182418e-16 1.0 -1.967718 -0.820577 -0.098303 1.006352 1.941060
act_math 51.0 1.155938e-15 1.0 -1.605636 -0.899275 -0.142459 0.967536 2.077532
act_reading 51.0 9.970238e-16 1.0 -1.893185 -0.756420 -0.103385 1.033379 1.928279
act_sci 51.0 -1.140700e-15 1.0 -1.870908 -0.862584 -0.084733 0.952401 1.989535
act_composite 51.0 -1.306145e-17 1.0 -1.840757 -0.850998 -0.059191 1.029543 1.969814
sat_erbw 51.0 -1.480297e-16 1.0 -1.907676 -0.779944 -0.221553 0.960922 1.639751
sat_math 51.0 1.371452e-16 1.0 -1.886242 -0.708433 -0.188499 0.893812 1.997344
sat_total 51.0 9.752547e-16 1.0 -1.903869 -0.763265 -0.206477 0.928722 1.826070
mask1 = (eda['region'] == 'South') & (eda['sat_participation'] > eda['act_participation'])
mask2 = (eda['region'] == 'South') & (eda['sat_participation'] < eda['act_participation'])
count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
act_participation 7.0 0.400000 0.189385 0.18 0.285 0.32 0.500 0.73
act_eng 7.0 22.114286 2.246055 19.00 20.250 23.30 23.800 24.40
act_math 7.0 22.042857 1.671184 19.40 20.800 23.10 23.350 23.50
act_reading 7.0 23.228571 1.783923 21.00 21.550 24.20 24.700 24.90
act_sci 7.0 22.171429 1.648953 19.40 21.100 23.00 23.500 23.60
act_composite 7.0 22.514286 1.829780 19.80 21.050 23.60 23.950 24.20
sat_participation 7.0 0.771429 0.172378 0.61 0.635 0.69 0.915 1.00
sat_erbw 7.0 521.428571 25.592037 482.00 508.000 520.00 535.500 561.00
sat_math 7.0 506.285714 23.634116 468.00 494.500 507.00 519.500 541.00
sat_total 7.0 1027.857143 48.779875 950.00 1006.500 1020.00 1055.000 1102.00
particip_dif_act_sat 7.0 -0.371429 0.291343 -0.82 -0.545 -0.36 -0.135 -0.06
particip_total 7.0 1.171429 0.215130 0.94 1.020 1.16 1.250 1.56
count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
act_participation 10.0 0.969 0.098031 0.69 1.0000 1.000 1.0000 1.00
act_eng 10.0 18.830 0.821989 17.50 18.2750 18.900 19.4750 20.00
act_math 10.0 18.900 0.442217 18.10 18.6500 18.900 19.2750 19.40
act_reading 10.0 19.860 0.678561 18.80 19.6250 19.750 20.1000 21.20
act_sci 10.0 19.560 0.516828 18.80 19.3250 19.550 19.8250 20.50
act_composite 10.0 19.410 0.556677 18.60 19.1250 19.400 19.7250 20.40
sat_participation 10.0 0.143 0.188447 0.02 0.0400 0.050 0.1225 0.50
sat_erbw 10.0 588.300 40.100014 530.00 549.0000 602.000 620.7500 634.00
sat_math 10.0 568.000 38.924428 517.00 529.7500 579.000 601.5000 616.00
sat_total 10.0 1156.600 79.075491 1047.00 1082.2500 1181.500 1223.0000 1247.00
particip_dif_act_sat 10.0 0.826 0.211933 0.50 0.6450 0.950 0.9600 0.98
particip_total 10.0 1.112 0.212906 0.83 1.0325 1.045 1.0650 1.50
eda[mask1].describe().T - eda[mask2].describe().T
count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
act_participation -3.0 -0.569000 0.091354 -0.51 -0.7150 -0.680 -0.5000 -0.27
act_eng -3.0 3.284286 1.424065 1.50 1.9750 4.400 4.3250 4.40
act_math -3.0 3.142857 1.228968 1.30 2.1500 4.200 4.0750 4.10
act_reading -3.0 3.368571 1.105362 2.20 1.9250 4.450 4.6000 3.70
act_sci -3.0 2.611429 1.132126 0.60 1.7750 3.450 3.6750 3.10
act_composite -3.0 3.104286 1.273103 1.20 1.9250 4.200 4.2250 3.80
sat_participation -3.0 0.628429 -0.016069 0.59 0.5950 0.640 0.7925 0.50
sat_erbw -3.0 -66.871429 -14.507976 -48.00 -41.0000 -82.000 -85.2500 -73.00
sat_math -3.0 -61.714286 -15.290312 -49.00 -35.2500 -72.000 -82.0000 -75.00
sat_total -3.0 -128.742857 -30.295617 -97.00 -75.7500 -161.500 -168.0000 -145.00
particip_dif_act_sat -3.0 -1.197429 0.079410 -1.32 -1.1900 -1.310 -1.0950 -1.04
particip_total -3.0 0.059429 0.002224 0.11 -0.0125 0.115 0.1850 0.06
Midwest      21.633333
Northeast    24.422222
South        20.688235
West         20.492308
Name: act_composite, dtype: float64
region_means = [i for i in eda.groupby(by='region').agg('mean').loc[:,'act_composite']]
exp_sample = [i for i in eda[eda['region'] == 'South']['act_composite']]
the = [j for j in eda[eda['region'] == 'West']['act_composite']]
[19.8, 19.7, 22.8, 20.8, 19.0, 22.3, 20.3, 17.8, 19.7, 21.8, 20.3, 21.9, 20.2]
for i in the:
control_sample = [i for i in eda[eda['region'] == 'Northeast']['act_composite']]
the2 = [j for j in eda[eda['region'] == 'Midwest']['act_composite']]
for i in the2:
results = stats.ttest_ind(control_sample, exp_sample)
Ttest_indResult(statistic=4.578287351417986, pvalue=3.229546377554633e-05)
results[1] < 0.05
np.mean(control_sample) / np.mean(exp_sample) - 1
region Midwest Northeast South West
act_composite count 12.000000 9.000000 17.000000 13.000000
mean 21.633333 24.422222 20.688235 20.492308
std 1.043014 0.744610 1.977335 1.406806
min 20.300000 23.600000 18.600000 17.800000
25% 21.175000 23.900000 19.400000 19.700000
50% 21.600000 24.200000 19.800000 20.300000
75% 21.925000 25.200000 21.400000 21.800000
max 24.100000 25.500000 24.200000 22.800000
act_eng count 12.000000 9.000000 17.000000 13.000000
mean 20.925000 24.311111 20.182353 19.576923
std 1.287086 0.885218 2.246730 1.721024
min 19.000000 23.300000 17.500000 16.300000
25% 20.250000 23.800000 18.900000 18.600000
50% 20.950000 24.000000 19.500000 19.400000
75% 21.200000 25.400000 21.000000 20.900000
max 24.100000 25.500000 24.400000 22.500000
act_math count 12.000000 9.000000 17.000000 13.000000
mean 21.341667 24.066667 20.194118 20.330769
std 0.994035 0.784219 1.923366 1.298322
min 19.900000 23.100000 18.100000 18.000000
25% 20.775000 23.400000 18.800000 19.800000
50% 21.300000 24.000000 19.400000 19.900000
75% 21.525000 24.600000 20.900000 21.500000
max 23.700000 25.300000 23.500000 22.700000
region Midwest Northeast South West
act_participation count 12.000000 9.000000 17.000000 13.000000
mean 0.778333 0.248889 0.734706 0.708462
std 0.243491 0.082378 0.319651 0.290426
min 0.290000 0.080000 0.180000 0.290000
25% 0.715000 0.210000 0.450000 0.400000
50% 0.820000 0.290000 1.000000 0.660000
75% 0.985000 0.310000 1.000000 1.000000
max 1.000000 0.340000 1.000000 1.000000
act_reading count 12.000000 9.000000 17.000000 13.000000
mean 22.050000 24.922222 21.247059 20.969231
std 1.140574 0.725909 2.091088 1.439551
min 20.500000 24.100000 18.800000 18.100000
25% 21.400000 24.400000 19.700000 20.400000
50% 22.100000 24.700000 20.500000 20.800000
75% 22.525000 25.600000 22.000000 22.100000
max 24.500000 26.000000 24.900000 23.100000
act_sci count 12.000000 9.000000 17.000000 13.000000
mean 21.691667 23.877778 20.635294 20.600000
std 0.884676 0.685160 1.710242 1.190938
min 20.500000 23.200000 18.800000 18.200000
25% 21.200000 23.300000 19.400000 19.900000
50% 21.650000 23.700000 19.900000 20.600000
75% 22.025000 24.600000 21.300000 21.700000
max 23.800000 24.900000 23.600000 22.200000
region Midwest Northeast South West
sat_erbw count 12.000000 9.000000 17.000000 13.000000
mean 605.250000 536.555556 560.764706 569.230769
std 46.411450 14.748823 47.968127 36.088211
min 509.000000 513.000000 482.000000 513.000000
25% 573.250000 530.000000 530.000000 544.000000
50% 630.500000 532.000000 546.000000 563.000000
75% 640.250000 540.000000 611.000000 605.000000
max 644.000000 562.000000 634.000000 626.000000
sat_math count 12.000000 9.000000 17.000000 13.000000
mean 599.666667 526.333333 542.588235 557.230769
std 50.027871 16.763055 45.187192 35.038440
min 495.000000 499.000000 468.000000 493.000000
25% 566.500000 520.000000 515.000000 534.000000
50% 623.000000 524.000000 528.000000 553.000000
75% 632.000000 531.000000 586.000000 591.000000
max 651.000000 551.000000 616.000000 614.000000
sat_participation count 12.000000 9.000000 17.000000 13.000000
mean 0.172500 0.777778 0.401765 0.338462
std 0.311773 0.151144 0.364353 0.272576
min 0.020000 0.600000 0.020000 0.030000
25% 0.030000 0.670000 0.050000 0.110000
50% 0.030000 0.710000 0.490000 0.300000
75% 0.097500 0.950000 0.650000 0.530000
max 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 0.930000
Written on May 4, 2018